[MR 160+ / AR 241+]
These are the final Sunbreak End Game Builds. They make use of Fully Augmented Weapons, all armor pieces and the latest Decorations.
Especially important are the Amatsu, risen shagaru and Primordial Malzeno armor pieces since they are pretty much part of every build. At AR 241+ you can finally craft Attack+4 and Expert+4 decos. Intrepid Heart jewels are also gonna be part of most builds since the skill adds a lot of comfort. We'll also include Fully Augmented Weapons with all slots unlocked. Some of the builds rely on the extra Sharpness you get from the Slot Bonuses. Especially most of the elemental lances need that extra Sharpness to function properly.
After beating Amatsu we will also lock new melding methods. This time we can make qurious charms with more unique skills and better slots. For Raw builds we usually want a Buildup Boost charm or Mail Of Hellfire charm from Vigor Melding so we can fit all levels. Meanwhile for elemental builds we are using Cyclus Melding to get an additional 2 slot over Aurora Melding.
Build Types
There's a lot of different builds so I've split them into 3 categories. First we have Raw Meta Builds. These are the best builds for general use. Shield Tackle or Guard Dash doesn't matter.
Then we have Elemental Meta Builds. These builds are optimized for Leaping Thrust spam with Guard Dash. In the correct Elemental Matchups these builds are stronger than the Raw Meta Builds. The drawback is that you need to have a lot of different lances and armor sets.
Lastly we have Fun Builds. These might not be the best highest damaging builds but more niche builds that are fun to play. You can find stuff like Status Trigger Evasion builds, or Para/sleep builds or even a Skyward/spiral Amatsu build.
Master's Touch Vs Heaven Sent
The skill Heaven-Sent introduces an alternative form of Sharpness management. The skill activates after a while of you not getting Knocked Back. When active you get infinite Sharpness and Stamina. Once you get Knocked Back from getting hit you lose the skill and have to wait for it to activate again.
Taking chip or getting hit with Intrepid Heart up doesn't count as getting Knocked Back and won't deactivate the skill. It therefore isn't as hard to maintain it as it might sound. The advantage is that you never have to sharpen, you can drop all Sharpness managing skills and you can use Maximum Might for Affinity due to the infinite Stamina.
The downside is that you are locked into using the 3 Amatsu armor pieces that have the skill. The performance of the build also depends on the Uptime Of The Skill, since both Sharpness and Affinity will drop when the it's not active.
Raw Meta π°
Overall the Heaven-sent bazel build is the highest Raw build. It works because we can easily negate the negative Affinity with Maximum Might when using Heaven-sent. Raw builds using the Kaktus Lance are still highly competitive. Obviously the reach a lot less Raw but in matchups where monsters have 10+ Fire element hitzones, the Elemental Damage together with the Poison Damage can make up for it. The Kaktus Lance is stronger when paired with Master's Touch since it already comes with a lot of Sharpness and Affinity, allowing us to fit more skills.
There's a Matchup chart here that shows when the Kaktus Lance is the better choice.
Raw Matchup Sheetπ
I personally prefer the Heaven-sent builds because for me they are more comfortable to play due to the infinite Sharpness. Also when you do get hit and the skill deactivates the Damage you take will be reduced, which is quite nice.
Heaven-Sent - Seething Bazel
1408 βοΈ | 8 π₯ | 99% avg affinity | 20 hits of purple

The build with the highest Raw. We are abusing bazel's high base Raw and negate the negative Affinity with Heaven-sent and Maximum Might.
The augment on the arms can also just be an Offensive Guard augment, although it's slightly more rare to get. You can slots+ away the latent power to get the double slot upgrade easily.
Weapon Augments: Add 4 raw augments and then fill the last slot with a status augment
Rampage Decorations: Matching anti species rampage deco is the most optimal choice. Otherwise you can use the growth rampage deco or teostra soul.
Preferred Scroll: Stay on red scroll for the flat raw boost from mail of hellfire
Elemental Meta β¨
For the Elemental Meta Builds we have 3 categories. We have comfy builds using Heaven-sent or Master's Touch and we have the Dereliction builds. Dereliction is really strong for elemental builds since it enables strife for more element, making them the highest damaging builds. The downside is that you need to deal with the Health Drain.
So if you are not comfortable with the Health Drain you can use the Heaven-sent or Master's Touch builds. It's quite hard to say which one is better, since the Master's Touch builds come with Blood Awakening. In matchups that allow you to have good uptime on the Blood Awakening buff, the Master's Touch builds are stronger. But that's not always the case. So I would say the Heaven-sent builds are overall more consistent and comfier since they also offer infinite Sharpness.
Here's a Matchup chart that shows you what elemental build is the best choice for each monster:
Elemental Matchup Sheetπ
Elemental builds heavily rely on Leaping Thrust as the main Damage dealer. In the correct matchups these builds are quite a bit stronger than the Raw Meta Builds.
All elements use the same armor template. Only the Decorations change depending on how much Handicraft is needed as well as the elemental attack and blessing decos.
Heaven-Sent - Aknosom Fire
1083 βοΈ | 334 π₯ | 99% avg affinity | 20 hits of purple

These Heaven-sent builds manage to fit all Core Elemental Skills as well as Attack Boost 4.
For Fire we are using the Aknosom Lance since it has slightly more element than the Kaktus. The Kaktus Lance also isn't suited that well for a Heaven-sent build due to the Affinity and Sharpness it already has.
Weapon Augments: We get the maximum amount of element augments, then we fill the last 2 slots with a raw augment.
Rampage Decorations: If the element hitzone >= 25 and it's easy to focus go elembane. Otherwise, go with the matching anti species rampage deco.
Preferred Scroll: Stay on blue scroll for the percentage element increase from mail of hellfire
Fun Builds π
Here are some Fun Builds. These builds are usually weaker than the meta builds, or rely on a specific playstyle or active condition to perform well. For example there's an Evasion build that utilizes Evasion skills like Status Trigger or Adrenaline Rush, there are paralysis and sleep builds and there's a build making use of the Amatsu weapon skill Silkbind Boost.
Evasion - Lucent Nargacuga
1389 βοΈ | 8 β οΈ | 99% avg affinity | 30 hits of purple

This build only works in solo since we rely on Embolden for Guard and evade window. We are using the Lucent Nargacuga Lance for the slots so we can fit Evasion buffs like Status Trigger and Adrenaline Rush. With Status Trigger active we proc Poison on every hit, meaning we get Buildup Boost on every attack. This can result in really high Damage numbers.
The problem with this build is that most of the time Lance is just better off using blocks for Offensive Guard and cross slashes. So to get the most out of this build you need to find the perfect balance between blocking and evading.
Weapon Augments: We're going for a rampage slot upgrade so we can fit anti species rampage decorations. Then fill the rest with raw augments.
Rampage Decorations: Matching anti species rampage deco is the most optimal choice. Otherwise you can use the growth rampage deco or teostra soul.
Preferred Scroll: Stay on red scroll for the flat raw boost from mail of hellfire